It’s Okay to Cry

Once upon a time..

There was a joyous night:
A night filled with many tears,
Largely from one young man.

This night marked a season’s end,
Yet also marked a season’s beginning.
It was the culmination of nine weeks:
A look back and a look forward alike.

This young man had promised himself, “No tears.”
He had promised all of his close friends, “No tears.”
He had laughed his way through highschool graduation,
So really, why would he ever cry over this graduation?

But as a backstory, he had always been ashamed of his tears.
He had grown up with a disposition to cry over good reasons,
Yet those good reasons had a way of striking fear into him:
Fear that his tears were an offense and travesty to behold.

None the less, on this final, concluding night, names were given,
And all his close friends were likened unto brave heroes of the past.
So after spending nine weeks with such men, being given so accurate names,
“What name could possibly be given to someone like.. uh, me? Seriously!”

Yet strangely, being likened unto a weeping prophet somehow clicked;
As if his prayer closet got a tip of the hat and a secret hand shake.
Meanwhile, all of heaven smiled as he burst into excessive tears.
Because his Father, after all those years, gently whispered,

“My son, it’s okay to cry..”


  1. Ryan priest Avatar
    Ryan priest

    Remember you weren’t the only one crying. 😉 It is okay to cry.

    1. Chris Murray Avatar
      Chris Murray

      Haha, agreed. There were a lot of people crying.

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