Where Would I Like to Be?

I’m typing this as a quick update before I go to bed, and it’s coming from a place of knowing I need to post again, as well as the need to publicly state a vision.

I’d like to get to the place where I post regularly again here. Regardless of how many people know who I am, I doubt many people will find this blog. That’s fine with me. I think for me, it’s like a public record saying, “This is who I am, and some literature that I believe defines me.”

I’d like to get to the place where I create more music and am consistent about it. I think that as long as I am moving forward, that’s good. I want to learn guitar eventually, and get better at my own vocals.

I’d like to get to the place where my podcast is a weekly thing where I can record an amazing conversation within 30 minutes, and have it minimally edited and posted within another 30 minutes. I think my podcast is an amazing outlet to gain value from the amazing people in my life and share their hearts and minds with the world.

I’d like to get to the place where I can write a book. I have a devotional in mind and there’s already a lot of content at my disposal.

I’d like to know that I was clean, organized, and professional about it all.

There’s a few things. I think I’ll post something else next weekend.

Thanks, guys.

Comment or else (I’ll still like you)!